To invest in a condo, should we go forward or stop now?

To invest in a condo, should we go forward or stop now?

To invest in a condo, should we go forward or stop now?

A large number of businesses have been affected by Covid-19 pandemic crisis. People are worried whether they should buy a property. The investors are uncertain whether they can make a good profit from their real estate investment. This situation has caused the economy to slow down. As a result, many developers have launched various sales promotions to motive their customers. Together with purchasing power stimulating policy of the government sector such as LTV measure, the advantages, therefore, go to people who are looking for a property.


During this current situation, which is better…to buy or to rent?

Please be assured that this is a good opportunity to buy a condo either for living or for renting out. As mentioned earlier, right now the real estate prices have been dropped down as much as 20-40%. Some developers offer free the common area fees and transfer expenses promotion. While some help to pay the installments and some allow you to stay free for 2 years. Buying a condo today and resell it in another 1-2 years, you will make a profit for sure. Acute Realty has abundance of projects for you to choose. If you are thinking about renting out, there is still a group of Thai customers. However, all these aspects must be taken into account: purchasing price, rental price, return yield rate and location. For foreign customers, due to the low cost of living of Thailand, there are still some chances to rent out for them as well. Interesting advertisements can help.


How to prepare and prevent risks before making decision?

Though this is a good timing to buy a condo or invest in a condo, you must plan your finances well in terms of down payments, expenses on the ownership transfer day, decoration expenses and your own credit for bank loan. To select a good and responsible developer or agent is also important. Good developers will finish the construction and will not leave you in the middle of nowhere. Good agents will suggest, advise and plan for you. Moreover, big agents can offer you a big room allotment to select together with other special deals which buyers or resellers will get the maximum benefit. For the next few years, If there is no ongoing pandemic or no beyond control condition, the prices of real estate will definitely and continuously jump higher.

8/4/2021 9:04:21 AM