TAX Calculation

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TAX Calculation : Property For Sale and Rent in Thailand

Price and Conditions (updated Jan 15, 2014 valid until -----)

Owner is             Person

Selling Price

Land Dpt. Appraizal Price

Occupied Date

Transfer Date

  Owner has registered its name in a House Registration Book (Blue Book) totally more than 1 year
  Owner has never registered or registered its name in a House Registration Book (Blue Book) less than 1 year

  Condominium or Property in Project
  Private property, not in project

Private property, not in project
Transfer fee (2%)  0 THB
* Business Tax ()        THB
* Stamp Duty (0.5%)        THB
* Withholding Tax  0      occupied 1 year(s) THB

Total THB


  • * Pay only 1 option by calculating total day of occupied period
  • if less than 5 years has never registered or registered its name in a House Registration Book (Blue Book) less than 1 year, pay Business Tax
  • if more than 5 years or less than 5 years but has registered its name in a House Registration Book (Blue Book) totally more than 1 year, pay Stamp Duty
  • ** Occupied period shall be calculated by calendar year, first occupied year is counted as 1 and if more than 8 years shall be calculated as 8 years
  • Years %
    1 92%
    2 84%
    3 77%
    4 71%
    5 65%
    6 60%
    7 55%
    >=8 years 50%
    Income (baht) Tax (%)
    less than 300,000 5%
    300,001 - 500,000 10%
    500,001 - 750,000 15%
    750,001 - 1,000,000 20%
    1,000,001 - 2,000,000 25%
    2,000,001 - 4,000,000 30%
    more than 4,000,000 35%
    1% of Selling price or Appraisal price, which one is higher

    *** Sen X Property Services Co., Ltd. does not responsible for any errors on expenses calculation result which can be occured and the result is an approximate result, you should consult with Land department office for the exact expenses.